Monday, June 23, 2014

Sweet Summertime

Let me start off with this; I am a slacker when it comes to posting. If you could look into my brain you would see the endless ideas I have, but life just gets in the way. I don't want to sound like a negative Nancy, but nothing really sticks out to me. But I am going to stop being a diva and just write. That's why I did this in the first place. I wanted to show the few people who actually read this a side of me that very few people see.

Since it is June, and my last post was in May (sorry I'm lazy) I thought I would update my life a little bit. The big one is that I finally graduated high school! I put on the cap and gown, and walked across a stage putting an end to a big part of my life. I really don't think it will ever hit me that I won't see most of these people ever again. On the bright side I got to wear these amazing red heels that give me so much joy. Cheesy right?!

So I have been going through this phase of reading blogs on crazy healthy food, and becoming obsessed with making it. I was reading one of my favorite blogs, Lady Smart, and she had decided to make this pizza that had so many ingredients I had never heard of. But the crazy thing is that the pizza was considered healthy! The crust is butternut squash and the sauce is fresh pesto. Delicious! I had to tweak it a little bit and add some cheese, but it still was on the healthy side.

Another thing I have fallen in love with is the store Lush. Oh my goodness!! If you have never been to a Lush store you are missing out on a little piece of heaven. I could spend my entire life in there looking at their amazing creations. 

I ended up purchasing a shampoo and conditioner. They both smell amazing and I have already used my entire bottle of conditioner. 

The shampoo is called Rehab and it smells so lovely. It has Lavender, Rosemary, and Peppermint oil that gives your nose a little party.

The conditioner is a completely different type of scent, and let me tell you it is great! It is called American Cream and smells exactly like a strawberry milkshake! Now don't tell me that doesn't sound like heaven.

Another thing I have got to experience was my college orientation at the wonderful Baylor University Campus. I was able to meet new friends and catch up with old ones. I also attended a camp called Super Summer which is a leadership camp for my church. I was able to see so many friends, and that is always an amazing feeling. 

So I believe that is about it for my summer so far. I hope I didn't overwhelm anyone with the wide variety of things I talked about. But I just want to say a massive thank you to anyone who actually read this far and for that I will give you this photo of me in a tree! :)

P.S. I am actually going to try to post more than just once a month!

XOXO-- Emerald

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