I constantly think of ideas to write about, but then my OCD mind changes that into a terrible idea and it is then thrown out the window... Whoops
So I decided to stick to this idea and I plan to follow through with this post. Many people probably don't get this from me, but one day I want to be able to create a blog post that so many people read, it becomes something everyone talks about. Conceded right. Well that's what I want so get over it, but don't get mad just have a little empathy. Okay enough of me rambling on about random nonsense let's get down to business (and try not to start singing the song from Mulan because I know it is tempting).
As I have said before I am in high school, and with high school comes traditions and one of those traditions is prom. Now watching movies you would think prom is this amazing chance to hang out with friends and come together with your class and forget about everything, but the movies are wrong. Shocker. I went to prom as a junior and I can say that I had fun, but it definitely wasn't something to do again. I felt like someone who had too much makeup on, and shoes that were way too high. So, as a senior in high school and the rebel I am me and two of my friends did something a little different for prom. We went to Six Flags Fiesta Texas. Cool right.
We decided that being trapped inside of our school for an entire night was not how we wanted to spend our Saturday evening, so we packed our bags and drove all the way to San Antonio. By ourselves I might add.
That Friday night we arrived and checked into our hotel and had to do some things that I will not mention because it was not something law abiding citizens would do. Nothing terrible, get your mind out of the gutter. After that long process we got ready to go out on the town, or to the river walk, and we ate a classy meal and did stuff. Details, Emerald, details...
Ignore the crazy shadow across my eyes |
That Saturday morning when everyone else in our small Texas town was getting ready for prom we put on our tank tops, strapped on our fanny packs (yes fanny packs), and loaded up to go to the best place on earth, or at least San Antonio in a teenagers mind, Fiesta Texas. BTW the water park opened that day so that's a bonus. We stayed at Fiesta Texas until an hour after it closed so you could say we had a little too much fun. And who knew that there would be fireworks that nights. We ate delicious funnel cake before we left and made our way back to our hotel. On a side note we ordered pizza and I am pretty positive the delivery man didn't speak english...
That next morning we went to the mercado and shopped for hispanic souvenirs, ate some overpriced tacos, and went shopping at a lovely mall. I will post about my new purchases soon because they are amazing.
So all in all I am pretty happy with our weekend of not going to prom. Things like that tend to distract us, and focus our attention on outward appearances. I'm not saying prom is a bad thing it just wasn't for me. Well that's all I have to say. I know this was long, but I couldn't think of anything better to do with my Monday evening.