Tuesday, August 5, 2014

I'm Growing Up

I have learned lately that things don't always go as we plan.We shouldn't have this intricate plan set before us because sooner or later it is going to crash and burn. I do this a lot. I am what you would call a planner. I like to know where I am going, what we will be doing when we get there, and exactly what the rest of my day looks like. But that is not how life works. We come up with ideas only to have them completely twisted and thrown out the window. One morning you will wake up and hope to be productive, but end up having something go chaotic and be forced to focus on something completely different.
Enough of my crazy mind spilling itself out and on to more interesting things.
Who knew the summer after graduating high school would be so stressful and boring at the same time. You get all pumped to spend endless hours with your friends and meet new people while visiting your college, but like I mentioned earlier plans always fail.
I got a job; like most teens do during the summer and that has basically taken up all of my time. I'm not complaining because it was a fairly easy job that didn't take much effort, but it did take my time. I found myself coming home and falling asleep and waking up when I normally fall asleep. But I need money so that's how it is going to be.
First of all I got a new computer. Which I love! I went to Six Flags with one of my best friends and ate way too much food. I got to spend time with my adorable cousins that I rarely ever see.

I would say life is pretty great right now:)

So here is my life recently in a few pictures enjoy :)


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