Thursday, November 6, 2014


My oh my it has been a long time since I have last taken the time to write a little something. Life has gone completely crazy and flipped upside down. The idea that I am in college still hasn't fully sinked into my mind, and I have no idea why. I still feel like I am at an endless camp, but it includes going to class and learning a million different things. I want people to know that college can be scary, but if you surround yourself with the right people, and a lot of people you should be floating on a cloud of happiness. I know that can be hard to believe, and it is hard sometimes. Some days you will want to just cry from frustration, or from finding out that your plans aren't always what God had in store for you. You will in fact learn a lot about yourself. You learn how to stand up for yourself and speak your mind. (Sometimes speaking your mind may not be the best thing ;), just so you know.)

Well what I have I been up to? A lot is all I can say, but I will do my best to show you a little something. I promise not to make this a novel.
I came to college knowing a few people and that was so helpful because they introduced me to other people who introduced to me to others and so on. Friends are like my family, and family is a necessity which is why I am so thankful for the people I have met.

The beginning of the year was basically me meeting new people and finding friends that understand my awkward personality, and that can be tough. :) I had to learn to come out of my comfort zone and that resulted in some great experiences with friends that I feel like I have known my entire life.

I have had the wonderful opportunity of seeing friends from back home and that is definitely a necessity while at school. I miss all of my friends from home, but phone calls and endless texts makes up for it! :)

Now let me tell you how important it is to get involved. My week literally has something planned every night, and I love that because it keeps me going. For me personally I have to be able to have a time where I can just get out of my dorm room and spend time with people that I love to be around. 

My college experience has been so extremely wonderful. Stress can sometimes have a little damper on my plans, but I make it through. 
